The following are the Objectives of PLAN:
- To promote the positive perception and appreciation of the importance of pipelines and create awareness among members of the public on harmful effects of pipeline vandalism.
- To provide information professional advice and support on all pipeline issues to government and other Agencies.
- To stimulate and improve local expertise in the pipeline discipline.
- To facilitate the sharing of experiences and best practices among pipelines operators, service providers, regulators and any professional in the pipeline industry.
- To encourage improvement in design, construction, integrity management, security, reliability and flow assurance of pipelines.
- To provide an Association through which training and skill development can be made available.
- Professional body that advises and provides useful information to aid the formulation of rules, regulations and policy.
- Provision of a ready forum through which to reach key players in the industry.
- To learn of new Technologies as soon as they become available.
- To promote the visibility and transparency and input of pipeline to public safety, economic growth and local government development.